Coding Made Simple

Start your coding journey today by enrolling in our intensive boot camps for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

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About Us

Easy Coding College is created by students for students. We offer simple crash courses for primary school students who are willing to start their journey as Web Developers. The courses will be held during the school holidays via Zoom, and students can always ask questions through our Slack Community.

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Our Services

There are crash courses your child can attend during the holidays which are the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Courses. Each course is 10 days long and we will cover the majority of the topics of each language and make real-life projects to show around.

HTML Course

by Easy Coding College

CSS Course

by Easy Coding College

JavaScript Course

by Easy Coding College


How we run our classes

As previously mentioned, the classes are held on Zoom at the same time everyday (depending on your chosen time), students are required to install Visual Studio Code, by Microsoft, to run and write the code presented in class. Students are always welcome to message their tutor through Slack, to help with the understanding of anything coding related.

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Slack Community

The EasyCodingCollege Slack Community is how our students and tutors can communicate together for a better learning environment. Things such as homework, questions, queries, and general announcements can all be communicated well through this community

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